Disabled Plates and Placards

Qualifications for Disabled Parking

Disabled License Plate Disabled License PlateDisabled License Plate

Individuals with disabilities can qualify for disabled person’s license plates, which are mounted on their cars in place of regular license plates, or disabled person’s placards, that are hung from the rear view mirror of their cars. These plates or placards allow the disabled person to park in specially marked parking areas that are convenient to the entrances of public buildings. The plates may be personalized.

State law defines a “disabled” person as one who:

  • cannot walk 200 feet without stopping to rest;
  • cannot walk without the use of, or assistance from, a brace, cane, crutch, another person, prosthetic device, wheelchair or other devices;
  • is restricted by lung disease to a specific standard;
  • uses portable oxygen;
  • has a cardiac condition to a specific standard; or
  • is severely limited in his or her ability to walk, due to an arthritic, neurological, or orthopedic condition.

Although many people, such as new mothers, people with minor injuries and others, can obviously benefit from the use of disabled parking privileges, each case must meet one of the six criteria listed above in order to qualify.

Re-certification of qualification is not required for disabled plates or permanent placards. A new certification is only required if obtaining temporary placards.

Plate must be surrendered upon death or inability to use.

Obtaining Plates or Placards

First you must obtain a completed Form TC-842, Disabled Person And Physician Disability Certification. The form’s “Physician’s Disability Certification” section must be completed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, physical therapist or nurse practitioner.

You may apply for a disabled person’s plate or placard at your local Motor Vehicle office, or by mail:

Motor Vehicle Division (DMV) Mail and Correspondence
PO Box 30412
Salt Lake City UT 84130

For more information about applying for a Disabled Person plate please visit our Disabled Person Plate page.

Cost of Plates or Placards

There is no fee for the initial or replacement of paper disabled person placards. However, there is a $2.50 fee per durable material placard (limit 2). For costs of disabled license plates please see our Disabled Person Plate page.

Placards’ Length of Validity

Permanent Placards do not expire. Only the initial doctor’s certification is needed for issuance.

Temporary Placards are valid for up to six months. As with the permanent placard, a physician’s certification is required describing the nature and expected duration of the disability. They cannot be renewed. Should your temporary disability continue past six months, you may apply for another temporary placard upon obtaining a new physician’s certification.

Extra Placards for Additional Vehicles

In addition to your disabled license plates, you may receive one permanent disabled placard (paper or durable) that may be used in any vehicle while transporting a qualified disabled person. If the disabled person is not issued any disabled license plates, a total of two placards may be issued to the individual.

How to Display a Placard

The placards must be hung from the rear view mirror so they are visible from the front of the vehicle. Do not display the placard while driving.

Where You May Park

Any vehicle displaying a disabled person’s plate or placard may, for reasonable periods of time without charge, park in metered parking zones and restricted parking areas. They are not valid for parking in zones marked for emergency use.

Only vehicles displaying a disabled person’s plate or placard, and transporting a qualified disabled person, may park in a parking space that is clearly identified as reserved for use by a disabled person.

Honoring Plates and Placards from Other States

The parking privileges granted to disabled residents of Utah are also extended to residents of other states, Canada or Mexico while visiting Utah.

Replacing a Lost Placard

There is no fee to replace a paper temporary or paper permanent placard. There is a $2.50 fee (per placard) to replace a durable permanent placard.

To replace your temporary or permanent placard, you must make a request in person at any DMV office, or by mail:
Motor Vehicle Division (DMV) Mail and Correspondence
PO Box 30412 Salt Lake City, UT 84130

**If replacing a durable permanent placard, please send a request with a check made out to Utah State Tax Commission.

Abuses of Disabled Parking Privileges

If you see what you suspect is a violation of disabled parking privileges, you should contact your local law enforcement agency.

Personalized Plates

This plate may be personalized with up to five characters, if that combination of characters is not already issued, and the selection meets DMV criteria for issuance. See Personalized Plates for more information.

Issuance of Permanent Placards to an Institution

Companies or organizations that, as part of their business, routinely transport disabled persons, may be issued disabled plates for each vehicle used for transporting disabled persons, provided that the vehicle is registered in the company’s name.

Additional permanent parking placards may be issued on the basis of need. Companies that do not routinely transport disabled people may not be issued disabled plates for vehicles registered in the company’s name.

To obtain placards for an institution, a representative from the institution should complete a Form TC-842, Disabled Person and Physician Disability Certification, and complete Section 2 on the form, the “Disabled Person Care Facility Certification.”

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