Title Requirements in Utah

General Information

The following list describes which vehicles are required to be titled in Utah:

  • Vehicles – Every vehicle (including motor vehicles, motorcycles, trailers, semi-trailers, and manufactured homes) operated in Utah, regardless of model year, must be titled except non-commercial trailers that have an unladen weight of 750 pounds or less.
  • Off-Highway Vehicles (OHV) – Every 1988 or newer OHV, including snowmobiles, operated in Utah must be titled. Though no title is issued to an OHV that is 1987 or older, registration requirements may still apply.
  • Watercraft – Every 1985 or newer watercraft operated in Utah waters must be titled except canoes and inflatable watercrafts powered by an outboard motor with 25 horsepower or less. (See Boats & Watercraft for more exemptions) Though no title is issued to a watercraft that is 1984 or older, registration requirements may still apply.
  • Outboard Motors – Every 1985 or newer outboard motor operated in Utah waters must be titled except those with a manufacturer’s listed horsepower of 25 or less.
  • Campers – Every 2015 or newer camper registered in Utah must be titled.  Model years of 2014 and older may obtain a title at owner’s request.
  • Park Model Recreational Vehicles – Every 2015 or newer park model vehicle must be titled in Utah.  Model years of 2014 and older may obtain a title at owner’s request.
  • Multistage Vehicles – A title issued on a multistage vehicle will show the VIN, make, model, and body style, for all VINs/stages of the vehicle.
  • Roadable Aircraft – If an aircraft is designed to be driven on a highway as a conveyance it requires title. Requires proof of registration as an aircraft prior to titling as a roadable aircraft.
  • Novel Vehicles – If a vehicle is not clearly defined or categorized by existing statute, but requires registration in order to operate, it may be titled as a novel vehicle.

Exceptions to Title Requirements

Aircraft are not titled in Utah unless the aircraft is designed to be driven on a highway as a conveyance in which case the vehicle would be titled as a roadable aircraft.

If you believe your vehicle qualifies for an exception to Utah’s title requirements that is not listed above, please call (801) 297-7780 or 1-800-368-8824 to speak to a representative for more information.

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