Specific Vehicle Types FAQ

Does my vintage vehicle need an emissions inspection?

Vintage vehicles with model years 1982 & older do not require an emissions inspection. However, Senate Bill 51 changed the requirements for vintage vehicles with model years 1983 & newer that are located in a county where emissions inspections are required. At the time of registration, a vintage vehicle that has a model year of 1983 or newer is required to provide proof of an emissions inspection or provide proof of vehicle insurance that is a type specific to a collector vehicle. See form TC-745, Vintage Vehicle Insurance Affidavit for more information.

Why isn’t my vintage vehicle registration only $10.00?

Vintage vehicles with model years 1983 & newer are required to pay vintage registration fees per Utah code 41-1a-1206.

Do I need a license plate for my ATV?

Yes, per House Bill 180, license plates are required for all vehicles used for off-highway except motorcycles, snowmobiles and implements of husbandry.

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