General Information
After recovery by a law enforcement agency, all interested parties (legal owner, lienholder, or selling dealership) of an abandoned, possible theft or stolen vehicle will be notified where their vehicle is being stored and will be instructed to obtain a Letter of Release from a DMV Office in order for the vehicle to be released from impound.
The vehicle owner, or an authorized agent, should follow the applicable procedures regarding proof of ownership, proper registration, etc.; however no impound fee should be charged. If the registration has expired, registration fees must be paid and a 30-day temporary permit will be needed to complete the required safety and emission inspections.
Note: Before a stolen vehicle is released, the owner, or an authorized agent, must present legal picture ID, along with ownership papers. If the vehicle has changed ownership, all title and registration requirements must be met.
Obtaining Ownership of Abandoned Vehicles and Private Impounds
Towing companies may request a Utah title or dismantling permit for abandoned or privately impounded vehicles when the legal owner has not claimed the vehicle within a reasonable period of time. This may be accomplished by completing and submitting a Tower’s Insufficient Evidence of Ownership packet to DMV Vehicle Compliance Services (VCS). For detailed information, instructions, and required forms, see Tower Insufficient Evidence of Ownership Check Sheet.